Important Items to Consider When Evaluating Your Options
Checklist for SelectingWorkforce Management Software
Your workforce management software is critical to efficiently running your organisation. Changing it is no small task, so it’s important to take time to consider why you need to change as you evaluate your options. Doing a detailed evaluation of workforce management software vendors using focused checklists will give you a deep understanding of the business and technical value a given solution and vendor provides.
WorkForce Software has curated a set of checklists for every evaluation you conduct so you can be sure of making an informed decision about which workforce management solution will support your organisation now and in the future. Following are the most important factors to consider.
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Checklist for Selecting Workforce Management Software
Starting Your Evaluations
Evaluating Shortlisted Vendors
Business Value
The vendor can provide a detailedassessment based on your uniquecompany data
The vendor can describe the typical payback time in months for an organisation of your size, complexity and organisational maturity
The solution offers capabilities that align with the metrics you’re trying to improve
The vendor can offer examples of where their solution improves productivity and optimises user experience for employees and frontline managers
The solution easily integrates with third-party systems
The solution provides unique labouroptimisation and productivity features that offer value to your organisation
The solution supports your business needs and growth initiatives
The vendor ensures reliability and security to protect your company’s data
The vendor simplifies compliance to mitigate the risk of changing labour laws
Future Readiness
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The vendor extends their company values to their business relationships (e.g., integrity and trust)
Customers rate the vendor high in trust and transparency
The vendor can clearly articulate their approach to customer success
Vendor Partnership
The vendor ensures global compliance with local statutory and union rules for your staff
The vendor can provide third-party research that compares their solution to others
The vendor offers in-depth product demonstrations that include business requirements specific to your organisation
Future Readiness
Customers rate the vendor high on trust and transparency
Customers are likely to recommend thevendor’s solution, and the vendor can provide data to support this
Customers rate the vendor high on overall services experience
Trusted Advisor
The solution leverages intelligent automation to deliver digital assistance that makes work easy for employees and managers
The solution does not need to be fully reconfigured and tested with every upgrade
The vendor has a structured processfor customer feedback on their product roadmap and business strategy
The vendor can provide personalised ROI models to aid your business case based onyour unique data
The solution provides features that enhance employee experience (e.g., real-time communications, instant access to information and rostering flexibility)
The solution enhances employee experiences, boosting productivity, retention and positively impacting the overall customer experience
Business Value
The vendor extends their company values to their business relationships (e.g., integrity and trust)
Customers rate the vendor high in trust and transparency
The vendor can clearly articulate their approach to customer success
Vendor Partnership
The solution supports your business needs and growth initiatives
The vendor ensures reliability and security to protect your company’s data
The vendor simplifies compliance to mitigate the risk of ever-changing labor laws
Future Readiness
The vendor can offer examples of where their solution improves productivity and optimizes user experience for employees and frontline managers
The solution easily integrates with third-party systems
The solution provides unique labor optimization and productivity features that offer value to your organization
The vendor can provide a detailed assessment based on your unique company data
The vendor can describe the typical payback time in months for an organization of your size, complexity, and organizational maturity
The solution offers capabilities that align with the metrics you’re trying to improve
Business Value
The vendor ensures global compliance with local statutory and union rules for your staff
The vendor can provide third-party research that compares their solution to others
The vendor offers in-depth product demonstrations that include business requirementsspecific to your organization
Future Readiness
Customers rate the vendor high on trust and transparency
Customers are likely to recommend the vendor’s solution, and the vendor can provide datato support this
Customers rate the vendor high on overall services experience
Trusted Advisor
The solution leverages intelligent automation to deliver digital assistance that makes work easyfor employees and managers
The solution does not need to be fully reconfigured and tested with every upgrade
The vendor has a structured process for customer feedback on their product roadmap andbusiness strategy
The vendor can provide personalized ROI models to aid your business case based on your unique data
The solution provides features that enhance employee experience (e.g., real-time communications, instant access to information, and scheduling flexibility)
The solution enhances employee experiences, boosting productivity, retention, and positivelyimpacting the overall customer experience
Business Value
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Evaluating Shortlisted Vendors
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Why You Should Consider WorkForce Software
WorkForce Software is the only global provider of modern workforce management solutions with smart, integrated employee communications. Our software leverages data, advanced analytics and automation in real time to create personalised experiences in the flow of work, so you and your employees can respond and adapt quickly with the ease of use of a favourite personal app.
Enterprise-grade and future-ready, the WorkForce Suite adapts to your organisation’s needs—no matter how unique your pay rules, labour regulations and rostering requirements are—while delivering a breakthrough employee experience at the time and place work happens.
#1 Most Trusted Workforce Management Solution Vendor
Using data collected from real end-users, see why 97% realise high value in our solutions and plan to renew.
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Use the most current and complete information to make the best choice for your employees and your organisation.
Essential Buyer’s Guide to Selecting Workforce Management Software
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Deliver the experiences your employees expect, and your organisation needs—it’s well worth it.
Modern Workforce Management with Integrated Employee Communications
Starting Your Evaluations
Evaluating Shortlisted Vendors
Accelerated Implementation Programs
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Starting Your Evaluations
Evaluating Shortlisted Vendors
Download Your Evaluation Checklists
See How Here
Deliver the experiences your employees expect, and your organization needs—it’s well worth it.
Modern Workforce Management with Integrated Employee Communications